Friday, May 2, 2008

Oh! How long it has been!

Helooooooo out there! How long it has been since I have blogged! I am so sorry to all of those faithful 2 blog readers! :) I am going to try my darndest to keep this thing up again!

So much has happened since I last wrote, so I'll just hit the highlights. Brianna started taking dance classes back in March. Here is a picture of her in her cute little leotard and tights. She's still not completely sold on the idea, but when she gets those tap shoes on she's ready to go! This class is only 8 weeks, but it includes ballet, tap and tumbling. I think Bri is really enjoying it...She did so well with tap the last time in class she got to be the front of the tap choo choo train!!! :)

Easter came next. This is our baby girl all dressed up with nowhere to go! We had completely good intentions on going to church Easter morning, but a snotty nose kept us all home (couldn't take her to the church nursery). Mommy, Daddy and Brianna decided to just go to Cracker Barrell for breakfast instead. The Easter Bunny brought Brianna some cool stuff for her trip to the beach coming up here in a few weeks! Here she is showing off her new sunglasses!

Here's Miss Bri at her last Predator's game of the season. We were lucky enough this year to be able to take her to several games for free since you don't have to have a ticket until you're 2 years old (we cheated and still took her even after she was 2). She is a true blue Pred's fan baby! She will cheer and yell and chant with the best of them. Next year we'll have to splurge and get her her own seat for a few games!!!

This weekend will be our first camping outing of the season. We are all so excited to go. Brianna can't wait to go sleep in the camper!!! I think this year is going to be a blast with her being older and able to do more.

Jason and I are doing well. Everyone is healthy. Jason's hours are cut back a bit due to the economy being so crappy, so he's home on Sunday nights right now. We are enjoying the extra time with him. He has started finishing the upstairs to be an office for me! How sweet! Then we can clean out this bedroom and maybe, possibly, make it a baby room soon!!! We'll have to see!!! I haven't completely sold J on the idea yet, but I think he's warming up to it.

OH! One other thing! I walked in the Country Music Half Marathon this past weekend! I walked an entire 13.1 miles in 3 hours and 25 minutes! I was so proud that I had done it! I trained for like 6 months for it too! To prove tha tI actually did indeed finish the marathon here is a site where you can go look at some pictures of me crossing the finish line!

Take care and I'll be writing again soon!!! Sooner than last time, I promise!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great to see you back on line. I really missed your blog. Believe it or not I check it everynight. The pictures are way to cute!