Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Baby Name Drama continues

Well, I thought I'd have this wonderful update for you guys as to what name we finally picked, but we still haven't decided on one yet. Jason is starting to come around to Taylor Marie, but I just don't know about that one anymore. I like it...I like that it's a name after both of us, but then again...Brianna isn't named after either of us. I don't want her to feel shafted. Is that dumb??? I also am still not so sure about the initials 'TMI' or that Taylor is also the name of a huge 18 year old country star that I'm not so crazy about (Taylor Swift). I just don't know. This is a hard one! Jason keeps saying he really likes Brittney, but I just don't know. I have always liked that name, but it is also the name of some chick he used to hang out with in High School. I can't help but think he'll think about her every time he says his daughter's name. I'm just a dork I guess. I also know that we can't use Addison Brooke as that is the name of a friend of mine's daughter. We could do Addison Marie instead though...

So, all that to say that we haven't decided yet. For those that know me well, you know it is killing me to not have this name yet! I am such a planner and dang if I can't even plan what we're going to call our baby!!!

Ok, I'm ok. Maybe after the holidays I'll have an epiphany and have it all figured out.


Anonymous said...

I like Riley Ann Isbell. I Love your Blog page. Love, Mom

Kristie said...

You're so funny! I still vote for Taylor Marie. And, hey, at least that way one of us would have a kid Granny wouldn't try to rename! Ha! ;) Just let them sit for awhile. You'll settle on the perfect name. You have plenty of time.